Representation in Tax-related Proceedings

Do You have issues in communication with the tax administrator? Commit Yourself to the professional care of our experts on tax management and other legislation. We help You communicate with the tax administrator and other institutions.

Within the scope of POA we will communicate with financial and other authorities in the affairs of our clients. We try to ensure all the rights and obligations of our clients. Our client is informed of all communication with the authorities and is kept updated with the results of our representation.

Make an appointment with us and discuss it

You can negotiate the appointment on the phone number:

(+420) 251 555 148

Or you can use our contact form.


Our Services

We further provide services for Housing Associations and Owners Associations, services connected with company management and accounting software EuroFib.






  • Sozietät Jürgen Geiling & Partner
  • Tel: (+49 9971) 85190
  • Fax: (+49 9971) 851919
  • Address: Cham, Goethestraße 8, BRD